Turkish bread: the most delicious and easy bread you will ever make!

Turkish bread: the most delicious and easy bread you will ever make!
Total time: 50 Min
Difficulty: Low
Serves: 4 people
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By Editorial Team


Flatbreads—in all shapes and sizes—are loved by all around the world. Most regions have their own variation on some type of flatbread, some yeasted, and others made with baking powder. They’re easy to make and cook (no need for an oven), and best of all…they’re super tasty! This Turkish Bread is made with dry yeast, which adds more flavor than that of traditional flatbread. Adding the milk to the dough makes it more pliable once cooked. Enjoy it with a spread of hummus, or enjoy it with a saucy curry. It’s even good enough on its own! It will become your new favorite side dish!

read more on: https://www.cookist.com/turkish-bread-the-most-delicious-and-easy-bread-you-will-ever-make/p10/?sfnsn=mo

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